Welcome to Adobe Masters premium content page! Here you will have access to content not available to the general public as part of your one-time subscription price of $39.95.
To access the “Premium Content Access Page,” please follow these steps:
1. Click on this Paypal link: paypal.me/RoySpears Here, you can pay your subscription fee of $39.95.
2. After I receive notice of your payment from PayPal, I will send you a link, via your email address, for the password to enter the protected page, “Premium Content Access Page.”
3. Use that password when you enter the above page on this website and you will be taken to the private, subscriber only page where you can read all the content provided and watch all of the full length videos of other consultations. Here is a screenshot on this page where you will input your password:

If you encounter any problems or difficulties with any of the above steps, please feel free to email me at: adobemastr@gmail.com