Meet Stan, a remarkable individual who defies age barriers with his determination and zest for life. At 90 years young, Stan embarked on a project that would inspire any do-it-yourselfer: applying the Silox Adobe and Rammed Earth Water Repellent to his burnt adobe home. Armed with nothing but determination, a small pump-up sprayer, and several five gallon buckets of the Silox, Stan took on the task with the assistance of his 87 year old wife, showcasing this couple’s unwavering spirit and DIY prowess.
In an inspiring video I shot when Stan came by to purchase some additional Silox, Stan shares his journey of sealing his adobe home with a sense of pride and accomplishment. His dedication shines through every frame, serving as a testament to the power of resilience and passion, regardless of age.
Stan’s story serves as a beacon of inspiration, reminding us that age is just a number when it comes to working around our own homes. His unwavering determination and indomitable spirit embody the essence of what it means to live life to the fullest, leaving a lasting impact on all who witness his remarkable journey.
Stan commented it only took a couple of hours to seal his home. But it’s important to note his burnt adobe is a ranch style and not your typical Sante Fe style home. A ranch style home is a low sloped roof with overhangs and built with gabled ends. The longes outside walls—not the gabled ends—are usually around 8′ or 9′ in height. This means sealing these homes are the easiest and take the least amount of time and effort because you don’t have nearly the amount of surface wall area as you do with Sante Fe styled homes.
Sealing Santa Fe styled homes are not easy to seal. The wall heights can exceed 13′ or 14′ and these homes require far more water repellent, better equipment, and effort than ranch styled homes require.
When watching the video, if the video quality is poor, simply go the gear icon on the bottom right of your Youtube screen, click on it and select “HD” for high definition.
Click here to find out how you can protect your own adobe home with the same quality water repellent formulated specifically for adobe and rammed earth which Stan used on his home.